lunes, 31 de enero de 2011


We all have dreams. Some of us suffer because of nightmares and some of us wish that we could remember our dreams every time we sleep. Unlike some people I don't suffer from excessive nightmares. I actually wish that I could remember all my dreams, but I can't. No one can, but we do our best to try to remember. There is one dream that I always have that I will never forget. Have you ever had a dream where you are just walking, you randomly fall into a never ending hole, and them jump up from your bed? I have. Many people that I know also have that exact same dream and it's interesting because of all of the dreams we can have, we have the same one. I sleep talk and walk, sometimes. You know what's cool, sometimes my twin and I have conversations I our sleep. We basically talk to each other about stupid things. Then the next morning my mom would tell me all about our conversation and neither of us would remember. One time I almost gave my grandmother a heart attack when I started sleep walking and I hid behind a couch. She thought that I had been kidnapped. I have sleep walked about five times in my life and some of the stories of what I have done are interesting. Like three years ago I found out that it is extremely dangerous to wake up a sleep walker because they become aggressive and attack people. People in the world have died from waking up sleep walking people because they attack you and through things or smash you into tables because they are not conscious of what they are doing.


Today I failed a test. I decided that I would do fine if I wouldn't study since it was multiple choice, true and false, and vocabulary. I decided that it would be fine if I just used process of elimination. Well it wasn't; after the test was over we corrected the answers in class and well halve of the class failed miserably. I believe that bout two people got a good grade the rest either passed of failed. For me a "C-" is failing. Our class decided that the "easy multiple choice test" was one of the hardest we have taken this year. Now we are all looking forward to actually studying on our next test and getting good grades so we can pass the quarter with a good score. From experience do not think that you can slack off at the beginning of the quarter/semester because it is not really easy raising your grade after you failed one of the most important tests. About a day ago I felt differently about this and I thought that it was ok to slack off but now my thoughts have changed, and if yours were like mine they should change to. If you don't want to go through what I have experienced or already have study! Take out at least thirty minutes of your life and study because you WILL feel bad after you see that nasty grade on your test paper. Don’t copy from the person next to you because karma will get back at you. Have fun studying and don’t fail. 


Recently I was hacked. My Gmail got hacked meaning that I had literally lost everything. I had no more blog, no more email, and I was not able to access my teacher’s wikis. I was so mad; I still don't understand why someone would do that but its fine now because I have it back. When they hacked it they also changed the recovery question. Due to this I had no other choice but to answer many questions about my account. They made me get the five last people that I had emailed. It was hard but I did it. Before this time I have been hacked a couple of times but never as bad as this one. One time one of "friends", classmate hacked my Gmail. The day later he gave it back, so it was fine. Obviously this time that I saw it was hacked automatically I decided that he had hacked it again since I never changed the password that he put on it. Overall I recommend everyone who is reading this to understand that it I easy to get hacked if you do not choose a good password or "recovery password".

p.s Never put your recovery password as your first pet's name.