lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010


 Obsession Obsession! We are all obsessed with something once in our lifetime. The funny thing is how different obsessions vary with a female and a male. In modern times there is a saying that for every boy that is obsessed with Call of Duty aka COD there is one girl obsessed with Justin Bieber aka JB. It’s incredible to see the difference of obsessions. Boys obsess over a video game that all you do is kill people, it’s pretty sad. Let’s not forget to talk about the girls because that’s even sadder. No offence for the girls reading this but your all obsessing over a guy who does not know you exist and probably never will. Normally in school the boys start talking about their game. If you’re not a boy and play COD you will never understand what they are talking about. After asking the boys to teach me how to play this obsessive game one of them actually did. After playing COD I realized that they are not as crazy as they sound, the game is pretty addictive and fun. Unlike most of the female population I do not like JB again I say no offence, if you like to be obsessed over him it’s you choice. In conclusion I believe that people become easily obsessed with things they shouldn’t get obsessed about. Yes, it’s ok to play your video game once in a while and yeah its fine to like an artist but it’s not ok to dedicate your whole life to being obsessed over them. J

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010


I believe that there is no human being in the world that has ever become more stressed than I have. I become stressed for the most stupid things ever. I think I never stop being stressed, except when it is summer. I stress out about homework two days before its due and when I am on vacation I am stressed about the homework that will be due. I gat stressed out with everything that has to do with school. The thing that mostly stresses me out is oral presentations and speeches. On the day that I have to present a speech I walk into the classroom shaking and when it’s my turn I can’t even hold a paper of how much y tremble. When I start to talk I feel a huge knot in my through but then when I finish presenting my stress is completely gone and that is the best part of becoming stressed. The feeling of all the stress leaving you is just lovely. Throughout the many years of presentation I have somewhat improved this issue that I always have to face while presenting.  My last year drama class is what helped me the most with my fear of talking in front of people and I am grateful for that.  Now every time that I have a presentation I think about how good it will feel once it is over. If you also struggle with stress issues like I do you need to try to calm yourself and “go with the flow”. People of the world can make many mistakes because of stress so don’t let it get in your way.

The Islands

In the world there are many people who have houses in beaches or in 
different places to go as a family over the week end. In my family we have margarita. Margarita is located off the north shore of Venezuela. People get there by plane or cruise. Margarita is a very different type of island from many others. Unlike thousands of islands in the world Margaritas waters are not “crystal clear” as a matter a fact they are a dark color. Although the beaches are not perfect I love going to Margarita. On the other hand there is Los Roques. This paradise is an archipelago that is also located off the north shore of Venezuela. The waters that surround this island are beautiful and not seen any place else in the world. The good thing about Los Roques is that if you just want to go with certain people you do because there are not many people there at the same time. There are thousands of things you can do there but my favorite is tubing and catching plankton. At night if you touch the water the movements make the microscopic plankton light up. They become like tiny little yellow light bulbs. Normally when we go we catch them and put them inside a water bottle. We always let them free before they die. I write about these two places because they are my two favorite places to visit here in Venezuela and they are the places where I have the most fun.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010


Why are people now a days becoming soo fat? Many years ago it was not very normal to see an obese person walking down the street, but know it is. Throughout the years our US population has increased in size but we don’t really have an exact reason for why. I believe it is because of all the junk food that is available for us human. In the US it is hard not to eat McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, or any other time of junk food once a week, for there is at least one of the fast food places every 10 blocks. A couple of years ago people were becoming aware of the difference in size of the people so some people fought against these fast food restaurants. For example there was a movie created called “Super Size Me“. After this movie was created the only thing achieved was that they do not sell “super-size” anymore. Here in Venezuela wee I live it is not normal to see a fat person walking down the street. However there was something new created. It’s called McEntrega it is a horrible and a good idea at once. This McEntrega is a McDonald’s delivery meaning that you call them and they deliver their food to you. I know it sounds like glory and it sort of is but when you think about it, it just becomes sad that the world has come to McDonald’s delivery. These brilliant ideas that these fast food places have are what are ruining the health of our people. This is my theory of why obesity is becoming more normal that usual.

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The Last Song

Last year I read a the book "The Last Song" with one of my best friends "F". While all of my other friends were in a school trip at Washington "F" and I decided that we would read a book we chose "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks. That week we both read the whole book and had a lot of fun doing it. This book is about a girl named Ronnie and all of the  things she goes through while being forced to visit her father over the summer. She falls in love and she learns to love her father before he passes away at the end of the summer. This book is both romantic and sad due to these occasions. After finishing the book I saw the movie and I realized hoe much better the book is from the movie. The book is so much more detailed than the movie. many things happen differently in the book than in the movie. In conclusion "F"and I thought it was a very good book that we would reread any day just for fun.For the people that have not read the book I recommend you t o read it. If you have already seen the movie I still recommend you to read the book. Since "F" and I loved this book we have decided that we are going to read another one of Sparks novels. We chose "The Lucky One". All that I have read up to this point has been extremely interesting.


What a word "Procrastination". We all do it, we are all procrastinators. We cant help it we are human We love leaving things for the last minute. For those people out there who don't know what procrastination is the dictionary definition is "to put off until another day or time; defer; delay." This meaning that you have work to do but you leave it for last minute. I am not very proud to say that I am a procrastinator, but sadly I am one of those people. I always procrastinate with homework, projects, studying, and more. As a matter a fact, I am being a procrastinator right now. I am on vacation and I am at the beach. While everyone is outside having the time of there lives I am inside writing on my blog. I am procrastinating because I have had a whole month to write on my blog but no, I decided it would be best to leave it for last minute. Now I realize how bad procrastinating can be, and now I know that I have to stop being a procrastinator because of all the stress and trouble I go through is just not worth it. I recommend for all the people out there not to be lazy and procrastinate. It wouldn't hurt you to do your work when it is assigned. Trust me listen to a person that has been a procrastinator for a long time. Don't procrastinate!

English Spanish or Spanglish

Were I am living right now the main language is Spanish. After living in the United States for eight years I learned how to talk and write English fluently. The school that I study at is an international school. In this case the language that is used by all teachers is English. All of our classes are tough in English except for foreign language class. When you are young you are forced to take Spanish as a foreign language, but when you get to high school you are allowed to choose between Spanish and French. I chose French because I already know both English and Spanish. Most of the people in this school are bilingual.When we have lunch or break we are allowed to use whatever language we want. I speak Spanish with my friends because it is our native language. In most of our classes we are not allowed to speak Spanish. In my English class our teacher does not let us say a word in Spanish, if we do she marks us down. Since both English and Spanish are used through the day we have combined them and created Spanglish.Most of us now are stuck speaking Spanglish and we get marked down because of this silly habit. I believe that we should be allowed to speak what ever language we want to ourselves and not get marked down for it. 

Best Friends

So why have best friends when you can have many friends? Well for those people out there who don't know it is good to have a best friend because you have someone to count on and trust.When you have a best friend you know that you can tell the your deepest secret or vent your feelings because you know that they will never tell anyone what you just told them.On the other hand, a friend is someone that you like to hangout with but you don't have such a strong bond with. It's not such a good idea to tell a friend a secret because they have nothing to loose telling everyone. My best friends right now are "F" and "I". "I" is my twin and "F" is our other best friend. I also have another best friend that just recently moved to Costa Rica, her name is "V". Yes we are all girls but that does not mean that you cant have best friends who are guys. I personally like having guy friends instead of best friends I can't trust them as much as I cant trust a girl, but I still love having guy friends because they are not so dramatic and they don't hold a grudge like us girls do. Overall it is extremely important to have a best friend no matter if that best friend is a he or a she.Once you have people you can trust it is good to have other friends to hangout with.  

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010


"Obligations" the most stressing word out there. In this entre I will explain all of my obligations for this blog. I will reveal everything there is to know to understand what my blog is going to be about and how I will refer to my friends, and my things. I will also finish introducing myself and why I chose this name for my blog.

I will post an amount of five entry per month. One of the five entry's will be about what the teacher wants us to write about. For example this  month it will probably be about short stories because that is what we are working on right now in class. The other four will be about things will be about life.

Names are a huge deal in these blog. Since we are publishing this on the internet we are definitely not allowed to use personal info. For example were I live and my actual name. Therefore I will use letters as the names of my friends. My twin will be referred as "I" and our best friend as "F". Talking about names you are probably wondering why I call myself Clairbear and there is a simple explanation for that. When I switched schools that was one of the nicknames I was given. I have decided that through this blog I will refer myself to Clairbear.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

New Blogster

Why hello people of the internet world. Your probably thinking why am I making a blog and there is a simple explanation for that. I was forced to by English teacher. She decided that it would be fun, so every single person in my grade is starting a blog. So here I am sitting and creating this blog for you so I can pass my 9th grade English class. I have never been a "blogger" meaning that this is the first time I have written a blog so please try and bear with me. Know I am going to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a 9th grader and I go to an international school in Venezuela. I like hanging out with all of my friends but mostly my twin and our best friend. Oh, and yes my twin can get very annoying at times but I still love her and it’s also exiting to have a twin at times. There are many other things about me that are not important enough to waste your time and tell you so… moving on.

Now that you know a little bit about myself you are probably wondering what this blog is going to be about and honestly I have no idea what I'm going to write. I think it's going to end up being about my life and whatever else comes to mind when I write my entry's. Some times its going to be about what my English teacher tells to write about. I'm not sure if that’s going to be often. Now that I was forced to start this blog I will be 100% committed to it. You will probably see a new entry every week but that may vary depending on how much Homework my teacher wants us to do. Yes, this is homework for me. I wish that people actually read my blog and like it but that only depends on the internet world that I will slowly through myself into.